Ever Red Japanese Maple
Japanese Ever Red Maple in the cultivar group atropurpureum is a versatile, ornamental, hardy small tree or multi-stemmed shrub. The deeply lobed leaves are red or reddish-purple in spring and again in fall.The paired, winged samaras are red and ripen in early autumn. Young stems are green to reddish purple and red turning gray with age. Squirrels and chipmunks are very fond of these maple seeds. The seeds, buds and flowers are also eaten by grouse, quail and many songbirds.
Growth Rate: 1-2 feet per year
Mature Size: This Maple grows to a height of 15–25 feet
Soil Preference: It grows best in acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, silty loam, well-drained and clay soils.