Imperial Honeylocust
The Imperial Hineylocust is also known as Thornless HOneylocust, which is a deciduous tree in the family Fabaceae. It is native to central North America. Its yellow-gold fall foliage will light up your landscape in the autumn. The bark lends winter interest with its fissured, grey bark with an orange-tinted interior that becomes even more interesting with age. If you'd like a tree to shade a walkway, this is the tree for you. The Imperial Hineylocust seed pods and seeds are consumed by livestock and wildlife such as rabbits, deer, squirrels, and northern bobwhite. The flowers provide a good source of food for bees.
Growth Rate: This tree grows at a fast rate, with height increases of more than 2 feet per year.
Mature Size: The imperial honeylocust grows to a height of 30–70 feet.
Soil Preference: It grows well in acidic, alkaline, moist, dry, and salty soils.