Legacy Sugar Maple
The Sugar Maple is a deciduous tree known for brilliant fall colors and sap that is the primary source for maple syrup. For over 300 years, the Sugar Maple has played an important part in many Americans' diet. It is a landscape standout. The Sugar Maple is known for its spectacular fall beauty. In Autumn, the dark green leaves turn a vivid eye-catching yellow, red, and orange. Legacy Sugar Maples are commonly browsed by white-tailed deer, moose, and snowshoe hare. Squirrels feed on the seeds, buds, twigs, and leaves.
Growth Rate: With a slow-medium rate, it grows 2-3 feet per year.
Mature Size: It grows to a height of 60–75 feet.
Soil Preference: This tree grows best in deep, well-drained, acidic to slightly alkaline soil