Sugar Maple
The Sugar Maple is one of America’s most-loved trees. In fact, more states have claimed it as their state tree than any other single species—for New York, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Vermont, the maple tree stands alone. When the dark green leaves turn a vivid eye-catching yellow, red and orange in autumn, you'll understand why Sugar Maple is best known for its spectacular fall beauty. Imagine flaming crimson, burnt orange and brilliant yellow displayed on the Sugar Maple all at the same time! The effect of the variety of changing colors will dazzle you and your neighbors. It is one of the most remarkable fall displays of color you will see in your neighborhood. Sugar maples are commonly browsed by white-tailed deer, moose and snowshoe hare. Squirrels feed on the seeds, buds, twigs and leaves.
Growth Rate: It grows at a slow to medium rate.
Mature Size: This tree grows up to 40-50 feet.
Soil Preference: It prefers acidic, alkaline, well-Drained soil.